Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love Metaphor

We learn about 'love' from our experience; and from others'.
From our learning, we try to 'love' someone. When that someone 'love'
back, we fell happy, satisfied and confident.
When that 'love' grow, we feel overconfident and take thing for
granted with some element of arrogant and greed. We neglected all the
desructive signs right in front of our eyes.

And we start got hurt. And got hurt again.

And here I am. Alone missing my love with a broken heart. 'padan muka
aku'. The stupid ignorant arrogant greedy basterds.

May this pain teach me the lessons to be humble in 'love'.

Love the market with confident and humility and the market will love
you back.

Abdullah Pantaier

Sent from my iPhone

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